Just like that, 2022 has come to an end. It’s been an incredible year, filled with travel and quite a few memories that I’ll never forget. Now, to look towards 2023. I’ve compiled a list of cities that I’m planning to visit throughout the new year.

New York City - This January, I have a weekend trip planned to my favorite city, in order to catch a Broadway performance of the Piano Lesson, starring John David Washington and Samuel L. Jackson. I’m also planning another trip to the city in May.

Amsterdam - Also in January, I’m taking a weeklong solo trip to Amsterdam, for the first time. I originally planned to visit the city in 2021, but was unable to go, due to COVID restrictions. Fortunately, I’ll now have the opportunity to go.

Brussels - During my Amsterdam trip, I’m planning to take a day trip, by train, to Brussels. It’ll be my first visit to the Belgium city.

CDMX - A year after my first visit to Mexico City, I’m looking forward to being back there, this February. I intend on visiting more of their museums, and of course can’t wait enjoy the food options out there.

Paris - This summer, I’m planning to visit Paris for the third time, as part of a family trip. I’m thoroughly looking forward to this one.

London - During my Paris trip, we’re planning to take a day trip, by train, to London. This summer will make four years since my last visit to the United Kingdom, so this trip will be long overdue. I also intend on attending a theatre performance, while I’m out there.

Miami - In December, I’m looking to attend Art Basel Miami. I attended the art fair back in 2021, and now I’m looking forward to going back. Of course, I’m also looking forward to the incredible weather and beaches.

There are a few other destinations that I’m considering, but these 7 cities are for sure visits. 2023 will be a great year for travel.


Lisbon: City Guide


Museo de Antropología in CDMX